MB Conditioning 090418

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Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning

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Metcon (No Measure)

6min partner 6

10 jumping jacks

10 mt climbers

5 Vet jumps

5 bottom of burpee

5min Amrap

15 wall balls

10 KB G2OH

5 burpees

2min rest

5min Amrap 2x DB

5 curls

5 press

10 Thrusters

2min rest

5min Amrap

30 Dubz

100m run

2min rest

5min Amrap

7 cal bike

7 slam ball

7 t2b

Core 1 rd 50 on/10 off

v-up hold

Alt v-up toe touch


cherry pickers

hips raises

straight leg sit ups

crunched heel taps

Russian twist

Hallow hold hallow rocks

Steven RendonMB Conditioning 090418

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