MB Conditioning 020520

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This Saturday we will be having our first annual Sebastian Strong Fundraiser. Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach will be partnering with Sebastian Strong in the efforts to support foundations that are focused specifically on childhood cancer research.

In order to participate in a workout this Saturday, February 8th, please visit the website below to sign up for the class you wish to attend, along with the donation amount. The donations will go directly to the Sebastian Strong Foundation.


For more information regarding Sebastian Strong, please visit http://www.sebastianstrong.org

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – MB Conditioning

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Metcon (No Measure)

Every 3min for 12min

400m run

Rest 3min

10min Emom

5-7 devil presses

Rest 3 min


Max wall balls

Steven RendonMB Conditioning 020520

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