CrossFit – Mon, May 20

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We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with

Christian Harris & Move Fast Lift Heavy

on our programming!

If you go to Move Fast Lift Heavy

You can receive ONE MONTH FREE of our MFLH Training Program.

AND 15% OFF at our Gear store.

Use Code MIAMIMFLH for BOTH Training and Gear

Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit

Warm up (Checkmark)

3 Sets

10 Sonics

5/5 Single leg Glute Bridges

10 90/90

5/5 ATG Split Squats

Rear Elevated Split Squats (front rack) (Weight)

4 sets of 3/3

build slightly heavier than last time

Skill/accessory (Checkmark)

4 setts

8 Strict Chin-Ups (add weight if possible for 5 UB)

10 DB Floor Press

10 Diamond Push-ups DB Floor Press

10min to complete


8min to complete

50 box step up and overs 24/20 (50/35)

150 Dubz

30 Single arm DB thrusters

Steven RendonCrossFit – Mon, May 20

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