CrossFit – Mon, Mar 11

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Whether you’re new to CrossFit or a seasoned competitor, the Open is for you.

3 Weeks, 3 Workouts

February 29 – March 18


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Reebok CrossFit Miami Beach – CrossFit

Warm up (AMRAP – Reps)

20/15 Calorie Machine

2 rounds

10 Worlds Greatest (10 each side) *

10 Kip swings

10 Med ball Clusters


5 reps each on coaches command

Clean Pull

Front squat

Clean pull under

Squat clean

Cleans (Weight)

6min AMRAP (partner)

1 Squat Clean each

Increasing weights every set by 10lbs after every rep

Beginning at 135/95

MFLH 031124 (AMRAP – Reps)

EMOM 20:00

Minute 1: 15/12 Calorie Row

Minute 2: 1 Round of Cindy

Minute 3: 15 SDHP (75/55)

Minute 4: REST


For today’s EMOM, with the rowing, the pull ups, and the snatches, this may get a bit grippy by the end.

Athletes should finish on the rower in under 50 seconds.

One round of Cindy consists of five pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 air squats.

For the 15 SDHP at 75/55 lbs, 1 want to maintain as big a sets as possible. So whether that is completing 15 reps unbroken, or breaking it up into some thing like 10 and five, touch and go reps are the goal here in this conditioning piece.

With going into a rest minute, see if athletes can push for 15 unbroken reps every time.

From a logistical standpoint, have athletes start in groups at different stations, and have them rotate in order of how the workout is written.

For example, if an athlete starts on the jump rope, they will move to the rower next, and then to the barbell, etc..

Steven RendonCrossFit – Mon, Mar 11

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